C2B2 aims to transform the Swedish blue economy through participatory governance. We involve academia, industry, government, civil society, and the natural environment in processes ‘from data to knowledge to decisions and action’. In C2B2 data is a means to ‘give nature a voice’.
C2B2 connects three thematic pillars:
- open ecosystem and climate change science;
- open, data-driven innovation & emerging technology, and
- ocean governance and adaptive management.
Insights developed in one pillar will feed into the co-creation process while advancing the other two pillars, e.g., innovative sensor data.
The C2B2 LivingLabs are innovation experiments in real life settings in Sweden, made up of actors across multiple sectors and governance levels in marine environments and interested in marine spatial planning. The LivingLabs cover selected area(s) based on interests and priorities. The methodology includes 5 stages: Prepare, Form, Explore, Embed, and Sustain.