C2B2 partners

University of Gothenburg (UGOT) conducts Sweden’s broadest research on marine ecosystems and the ocean’s role in the climate system and the economy and society.

Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) conducts research in close collaboration with industry and public sector. RISE Maritime provides C2B2 with competence and network in all established and emerging offshore sectors.

Chalmers is one of Europe’s leading universities of technology, with Sweden’s strongest research in maritime technology. Chalmers hosts Lighthouse, a platform for research, development and innovation in the maritime sector of Sweden.

Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment (SIME) brings together five Swedish marine universities, acting as a transdisciplinary knowledge provider for Swedish authorities and society, notably the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, and has expertise in related policy processes.

Chalmers Industriteknik Group (CIT) conducts research and development with the aim of strengthening Swedish innovation capacity and utilizing research.

Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF) is a unit at Umeå University. UMF is Sweden’s primary competence centre of marine ecosystem and climate of the northern part of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Bothnia).

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is an international research and policy organization bridging science and policy. SEI has seven centres outside of Sweden, including one in Estonia and two in the UK. Through its Tallin and Stockholm offices, SEI has a long tradition of working on innovation in the Baltic Sea Region.

World Maritime University (WMU) is the premier centre of excellence for the International Maritime Organization (IMO, the specialized shipping agency of the United Nations). WMU conducts unique postgraduate education, research and international capacity building for sustainability.

Swedish National Data Service (SND) has a primary function to support FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). SND leads a network of around 40 universities and public research institutes, forming a national infrastructure for open access to research data.

Stockholm University (SU) provides C2B2 with competence in environmental law and policy.

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) provides C2B2 with competence in environmental law and first-hand experience in national politics, governance and policy processes.

IHE Delft Instutute for Water Education (IHE) provides key competencies in co-creation methodologies using LivingLabs applied to diverse water and environment challenges as well as relevant social science expertise for governance analysis, environmental policy and impact assessment. IHE works under the auspices of UNESCO and forms part of the UN Water family.
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