Current State of the Art
What we can do out at sea is to a large extent decided by how we plan and use our coastline. Activities in our off shore zone depend on infrastructure and materials on and from land. There is a growing competition along our coastline between real estate development in attractive locations on the one hand, and infrastructure for industry on the other. Ports and maintenance facilities are being pushed away further from cities and other infrastructure, hindering the development of offshore activities and services. The development and establishment of underwater cables, wind turbines and other equipment out at sea also requires connections to, and infrastructure on, land.
C2B2 advance beyond the State of the Art
The value of the blue economy may originate from an offshore area in terms of i.e. biomass uptake, but the value chain very much continues on land where the larger part of the value is created. Hence, when we are discussing the blue economy, we also need to consider value chains and value chains certainly move up on land. In the C2B2 programme, we will therefore look at the connections between the value generated in the offshore area, mapping specific value chains, and thus mapping how potential new governance methods would affect the generated value, job opportunities and of course the environment. This includes understanding how existing value chains in traditionally land-based sectors in Sweden could become part of new sustainable blue value chains (e.g., water and wastewater treatment, modular plug-in approaches, electrical appliances, IT, tourism).
Contact persons
Nikolaos Xafenias