We want to create a live underwater video stream, suitable for machine learning, and we want to add temperature and more parameters. We want our observatory to be ultralow cost and to require as little attention as possible.
Matilda, Norah, Ola
- Place: Stora Bornö (58° 22′ 48.30″ N 11° 34′ 43.63″ E)
- Depth: 30 m
- Data, parameters: Video, temperature, salinity
- Material cost: SEK 3500
- Status: Preparations for full launch of
- Dates: (see Story for images and more info)
- 21 February 2024, visit at Bornö by SVT, filming for a piece about Fisktv.
- 13 December 2023, replacing v0.2 with Seapickle3, which includes temperature and salinity sensors.
- 1 November 2023, pre-launch and countdown started for fisktv.se.
- 26 September 2023, v0.2, deployed and working.
- 18 September 2023, v0.1, first assemble and test.
- Participants: Matilda Bergqvist, Norah Andersson Orth, Ola Benderius
Processed data, example
19 September 2023. Recovering housing of observatory version 0.2 after first test at 30 m depth. Version 0.1 was without lid/endcap (!) and lasted just two hours.
13 December 2023. The improved Seapickle3 is deployed, with both salinity and temperature sensors, the later visible hanging below the jar.
19 December 2023. The jar experienced leakage within a few days. On the 19th it is retrieved and replaced with a Seapickle3 with identical interior and sensors, but with improved sealing.
The deployment is changed from hanging to bottom moored. The reason is the risk of ice on the line and hence weight on the suspension bridge.
Contact persons
Ola Benderius