The Mistra C2B2 Programme Board

Mistra-funded programmes have a programme board, which is appointed by the programme host in consultation with Mistra. The board members bring new perspectives, experiences and networks to the Mistra C2B2 programme and help to disseminate its results. The Mistra C2B2 programme represents diverse competences and actors in the marine domain. The programme board supports the vision of co-creation as a means for transformative change towards sustainable development in Swedish offshore areas.

Mistra C2B2 Programme Board responsibilities

The board is responsible for ensuring the programme’s adherence to its plan but can also decide on changes. The Mistra C2B2 Programme Board shall:

  • monitor the research carried out within the Programme,
  • monitor the financial outcome of the Mistra C2B2 Programme against budget,
  • determine how the strategic reserve of the Mistra C2B2 Programme is to be used,
  • ensure that information about the Mistra C2B2 Programme and the results of its research are communicated effectively.

Mistra C2B2 Programme Board members

Robin Teigland, chairperson

Professor of Strategy and Management of Digitalization

Jan van Tatenhove

Professor of Marine Governance and Maritime Spatial Planning

Ewa Skoog Haslum

Rear Admiral, Chief of Navy

Catarina Hedar

Head of Unit International Affairs

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