Our co-created science-based ocean governance will include key stakeholders from the outset and extend current multi-stakeholder participation in marine environmental management with the sound integration of science, technology and innovation. The overall C2B2 approach provides a major advance beyond the current State of Art by:
- going beyond a single-sector approach,
- implementing the quintuple helix concept at a practical level by using data to ‘give nature a voice’;
- extending the LivingLabs co-creation methodology to the complex setting of the sustainable blue economy,
- practicing responsible Action Research by initiating and developing these co-creation processes and embedding them as routines for participatory governance, to ensure the adoption of collaborative and adaptive management practices beyond the C2B2 programme lifetime, and
- establishing a continuously evolving knowledge system for science-based ecosystem governance.
This provides the basis for paving the way for transitions towards governing multiple demands in increasingly claimed and fragile marine ecosystems. The extensive demonstration and validation of this approach in C2B2 means this can also be replicated elsewhere in Sweden and internationally. Furthermore, C2B2 will provide progress beyond the current State of the Art in the following specific areas: